A New Book "Man Lung Penjing" on Charity Sale
Mr. Wu Yee-Sun, now reached an advanced age, has been in need of medical care in the hospital constantly and can no longer cultivate the penjing, or enjoy the relaxed and enriching life of garden planting. It is regretful that without his personal care and trimming, his artworks are losing gradually their characteristics and distinct features.

Nevertheless, every artwork of Mr. Wu demonstrates the joy he has shared with other penjing experts and enthusiasts. To commemorate this valuable experience with his supporters, we have collected the photo images of Mr. Wu's penjing creation to compile a full-colored, hard- covered photo collection. The collection is a witness of Mr. Wu's efforts in establishing his signature style of penjing over the last seven decades.

We have printed only 3000 copies of the photo collection and it will be on charity sale worldwide in Jan.2002. All proceeds will be donated to " Sowers Action ''except mail expenses. "SOWERS ACTION" is a charitable organization in Hong Kong working for the foundation education development program in China by volunteers. {IRD Ref: 91/3859 } You can launch their website at http://www.sowers.org.hk/

We have many art work print out in single sheet (max to 12 inches x 12 inches) when we published the book. We would gladly send them to you or other enthusiast in your country. Please advise us their address via info@manlungpenjing.org or pmwu@yahoo.com.hk and we shall send the art work single sheet to them without charges.

Please note that Mr. Wu is not the best penjing expert in China as there are many more expers and masters. Their creation is more beautiful than those of Mr. Wu. We promote Mr. Wu's creation beacause now we have the copyright to publish only his work. We hope one day that we can promote other expers' work as we are in the process of contacting them now. As like as what we are doing in our web site.

Dimensions: 26.7 x 19.0 cm
Pages: 240 pages hard cover photo album, including 180 pages of colorful illustrations.
Text: Chinese and English
Price: US $25.00 per copy (US $17 for printing plus US $8.00 for mail)


Please ask if the book still available in stock before your purchase.

If you want this book to belong to you, please make a donation of no less than US$25 per copy to "Sowers Action".

Donation: Please send a bank draft or personal cheque made payable to "Sowers Action". Non US Dollar cheques should be made to be the equivalent amount in your local currency.
Australian dollar 52.00 per copy
Singapore dollar 49.00 per copy
Euro 30.00 per copy
British pound 18.00 per copy
Canadian dollar 42.00 per copy
Taiwan dollar 900.00 per copy
(1) Write your name at the back of the cheque.
(2) Attach a separate slip with your name & mailing address)
Mail to: Sowers Action
3/F Lee Kong Commercial Building, 115 Woo Sung Street,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
P.O.Box 23302
Wanchai Post Office,
Hong Kong

Our sincere request:

As many penjing or bonsai enthusiasts are seniors, or may not have access to the Web, we sincerely ask that visitors to this website deliver this information to other enthusiasts. Many of them are friends of Mr. Wu for over thirty years. Though old friends may no longer meet frequently, the photo collection and the website will help them recall the cherished memories.